Building a Jekyll Blog

Reading time ~7 minutes

My previous attempt at setting up a Jekyll blog was successful, but I did not like the theme I was using. This time I will try the HPSTR theme by Michael Rose. I have Jekyll installed already, but I think bundler will install it again. I have a GitHub account. I’ll delete the previous repositories and start fresh. I am doing this on a MacBook Pro running Mac OSX 10.10.5.

Install Bundler

$ cd ~
$ sudo gem install bundler
$ cd ~/Sites/oppenheimer-blog
$ bundle install # I got errors

Create a file called Gemfile in the new repository.

$ cd oppenheimer-blog
$ nano Gemfile

Add the lines:

gem 'github-pages'
source ''

Save and exit.

Finish installation. Note: I had some errors installing nokogiri. After Googling around and trying a few things, I came upon this solution on Stackoverflow.

$ sudo port selfupdate
$ sudo port upgrade outdated # this took a long time
$ sudo port install libiconv libxslt libxml2
$ sudo gem install nokogiri -- --use-system-libraries --with-xml2-include=/usr/include/libxml2 --with-xml2-lib=/usr/lib/
$ cd ~/Sites/oppenheimer-blog
$ bundle install # Success!

Install Octopress

$ sudo gem install octopress --pre

Octopress 3 is due out soon, so I may wait before I dive into learning Octopress.

Fork a Theme

I’ve decided to try the HPSTR theme from Michael Rose.

I forked the theme to my Git repository. I have previously set up ssh keys for authentication to GitHub.

Clone the theme to my local repository.

$ cd ~/Sites
$ git clone
$ cd hpstr-jekyll-theme

Try the bundle install again in the hpstr-jekyll-theme directory.

Bundle complete! 4 Gemfile dependencies, 38 gems now installed.
Use bundle show [gemname] to see where a bundled gem is installed.

Rename the repository on GitHub. Go into the repo, and click Settings. Change the repo name to oppenheimer-blog and click Rename. Also update the existing local clone.

$ git remote set-url origin

Rename the local directory.

$ cd ../ # move out of the hpstr-jekyll-theme directory
$ mv hpstr-jekyll-theme oppenheimer-blog
$ cd oppenheimer-blog

Give it a whirl. Note: I changed a file in the images directory.

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "added my profile photo; changed avatar.jpg to avatar-orig.jpg"
$ git push
$ git checkout gh-pages
$ git merge --no-ff master 
$ # there were several conflicts
$ git log
$ git reset --hard 16638192f5
$ git checkout master
$ # delete local and remote gh-pages branches
$ git branch -d gh-pages
$ git push origin :gh-pages
$ git checkout -b gh-pages # create new, fresh gh-pages branch
$ git push origin gh-pages

Crank up the local server.

$ # in the oppenheimer-blog directory, on the gh-pages branch
$ bundle exec jekyll serve

Check http://localhost:4000 for the site. Success!

Testing the Site on GitHub Pages

The site should be visible at However, it is lacking the css.

Start by following the tips on the Jekyll site. Start by looking at the base url option in _config.yml. While I’m at it, I’ll change a few of the other options like Site name, etc.

In the oppenheimer-blog directory:

$ git status
$ git commit -am "changed _config.yml"
$ git push origin gh-pages
$ git checkout master
$ git merge gh-pages
$ git push origin master
$ bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl '' # to test locally

So the changes I made to _config.yml did not completely destroy the site. I can access it locally, and all the links work. Now I’ll see if I can get it to work on GitHub Pages.


Make sure you are on the gh-pages branch.

$ git branch
$ # make changes to _config.yml
$ git commit -am "made changes to _config.yml"
$ git push origin gh-pages

Check site at

I finally got it to work. It helped to view page source in Safari and look at the path that was being used. Then I could go back to _config.yml and adjust the url option. I eventually used url: and baseurl: /oppenheimer-blog.

When developing locally, change the url option to http://localhost:4000 and use bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl ''.

Customizing the Site

Add a bio to the _config.yml file.


Crop images to 1024 x 256 pixels


Change {{ post.content }} to {{ post.excerpt }} in index.html in your site’s root directory. Right below {{ post.excerpt }}, paste

<p><a class="btn" href="{{ site.url }}{{ post.url }}">Continue Reading</a></p>

The above code places a “Continue Reading” button right below the excerpt. I got this code from the post, Customise HPSTR Jekyll Theme, on the lsfalimis blog. Also in this post I learned how to escape the liquid tags in code blocks.

Add excerpt: to the YAML front matter for each post and write a unique excerpt for each post. Do not use Markdown when writing the excerpt in the front matter.

Deleting the Master Branch

Since I was planning to keep the gh-pages and master branches in sync anyway, I thought I should just delete the master branch to keep things easier. I got these instructions from Oli’s blog.

Make sure that you are in the oppenheimer-blog directory and on the gh-pages branch.

$ git status
On branch gh-pages
nothing to commit, working directory clean

Go to GitHub and change the default branch to gh-pages for the oppenheimer-blog repository. Click on the repository name, then Settings > Branches. Change the default to the gh-pages branch and click Update.

Delete the master branch on the remote (GitHub) and locally.

$ cd ~/Sites/oppenheimer-blog
$ git push origin :master
$ git branch -d master

Enabling Disqus Comments

Follow the instructions from the accepted answer to this question on Stackoverflow. The instructions from Disqus are here.


Register on Disqus.

Add comments: true to the YAML front matter.

Modify the disqus_comments.html file in the _includes directory. Replace the example site.disqus_shortname with the disqus shortname you received when you registered your site. I also added this line so I could test the site locally:

// var disqus_developer = 1; // Comment out before you push to gh-pages

I added these lines as well.

var disqus_identifier = "{{ site.disqus_shortname }}{{ page.url | replace:'index.html','' }}";
var disqus_url = '{{ site.url }}{{ page.url }}';
var disqus_title = '{{ page.title | slugify }}';

Enabling Google Analytics

Wow. This theme is so well-designed that all you have to do to enable Google Analytics is to place your Tracking ID in the appropriate place in the _config.yml file. Neat.


Write a post using Markdown. Name it according to Jekyll conventions and put it in the _posts directory. Then commit it locally and push it to GitHub.

$ cd ~/Sites/oppenheimer-blog
$ git status
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "a message about the post"
$ git push origin gh-pages # check site at

—and Bob’s your uncle!

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Published on March 21, 2016