PyMOL Shortcuts

This page describes the installation and use of the pymolshortucs built by B.H.M. Mooers and described in Mooers (2020) 1.

Install the date time module

The script has a shortcut to timestamp filenames produced by PyMOL. To use this, the date time module needs to be installed. Because I have MacPorts on my system, I’ll used the suggested MacPorts installation instructions.

In a terminal window, type the following command:

sudo -H /opt/local/bin/python3.7 -m pip install --upgrade datetime

Upgrade pip too.

sudo -H /opt/local/bin/python3.7 -m pip install --upgrade pip

Download the script file

  • Download and unpack the file.
  • Move the pymolshortcuts-master folder into the ~/pymol-work/1-scripts` directory.

Edit the .pymolrc

  • Add run ~/pymol-work/1-scripts/pymolshortcuts-master/ to the bottom of the file.
  • Save and close the file.

Test the script

  • Open PyMOL.
  • Type the following into the command prompt:
Fetch 3OAC

Success! The molecule has ambient occlusion lighting.

Install the shortcuts in VS Code

Follow the instructions on this site: PyMOL Script Writing with Code Templates.

  • Open VS Code and install the bioSyntax extension.
  • Download and unpack the file from the pymolsnips github repository.
  • Move into the vscpymolsnips folder and run the following command:
mv pml.json ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/snippets
  • Restart VS Code.
  • Create a new file and save it as test.pml.
  • Type ao and the autocomplete should trigger to insert the ao code.
  • Hit enter to insert the code.

Success! I can insert PyMOL code into documents I create/edit in VS Code.

  1. Mooers, B.H.M. (2020). Shortcuts for faster image creation in PyMOL. Protein Sci 29: 268–276. ↩︎

DGO, 07 November 2021