Hugo Basics

Here I’ll note some basic hugo commands so I don’t have to keep searching the web. The chapter and page commands are from the Hugo-theme-learn Documentation.

Create a new chapter:

hugo new --kind chapter <chapter-name>/

This creates a chapter page with the following front matter:

title = "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}"
date = {{ .Date }}
weight = 5
chapter = true
pre = "<b>X. </b>" 

### Chapter X

# Some Chapter title

Lorem Ipsum.

Just change the X to the correct chapter number.

To create a regular page:

hugo new <chapter-name>/<page-name>.md

This will create a page with the following front matter:

title = "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}"
date =  {{ .Date }}
weight = 5

Lorem Ipsum.
DGO, 29 October 2021