Creating a Logo

I’ll create my own logo to replace the beautiful GRAV logo.

Open PyMOL.

fetch 3G6M, mol, async=0
extract caf1, /mol//A/CFF`427
set valence, 0
hide everything, caf1
create molball, caf1
create molstick, caf1
show spheres, molball
set sphere_scale, 0.25
show sticks, molstick
set stick_radius, 0.15
disable mol
color hydrogen, elem H and molball
color wheat, elem C and molball
color salmon, elem O and molball
color lightblue, elem N and molball
color skyblue, molstick
set orthoscopic, off
set field_of_view, 60
set ray_opaque_background, off
viewport 640, 640 
png caffeine-logo.png, width=640, height=640, ray=1

I opened this image in Affinity Designer, changed it to black and white, added the text (and rounded the ends of the letters), and saved it as an .svg file. I minimized the .svg file on the site.


The .svg file was rather large and didn’t look right. I decided to try something different. I used the .png file from PyMOL as a template and created a series of tubes for the bonds and circles for the atoms. I used a 2 pt black stroke and filled the objects with white. It took a while to get the layers in the correct order so the appropriate bonds were on top of the appropriate atoms. I saved the file as a .svg file. Without the .png embedded as base64, the file was much smaller.

Refer to this post on Best Practices for Working with SVGs for useful tips.

Do not change the logo.html file in the pymol-notes/themes/hugo-theme-learn/layouts/partials/ directory. Instead make a new partial in the layouts/partials directory of your local project. This partial will have the priority.

Create a partials directory in the pymol-notes/layouts/ directory. Copy the logo.html file from pymol-notes/themes/hugo-theme-learn/layouts/partials/ to the pymol-notes/layouts/partials directory.

Open the new copy of logo.html in your favorite text editor and replace the svg code with your new logo.

The logo size will adapt to different screen sizes automatically.

Replace the code in between the <svg> tags in logo.html with the contents of your .svg file. Also add the following to the <svg> tag:

id="pymol-notes-logo" style="width:100%; height:100%;"

To the second and third <path> tags, add fill="#fff" so that the text is displayed as white.

Save the logo.html file, and spin up the site with hugo server. Check the site locally at


Create a favicon

Select the molecule image and paste it into a new Affinity Designer document.

Export it as favicon.png at 64 x 52 px (144 dpi resolution).

Place it in the local static/images/ folder.
