Building a Better Membrane

I like illustrating various aspects of membrane structure when I teach introductory biology, but I have a hard time finding illustrations that show exactly what I want. I decided to find out how to build my own membrane models so that I could manipulate and display them using Pymol. Here is how I did it.

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Using the Solarized themes in Textwrangler 5

I like using Textwrangler as my go-to text editor, but I wanted to use the low contrast Solarized themes. When I upgraded to Textwrangler 5, the Solarized themes no longer worked. Here is how I solved the problem.

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Building a Jekyll Blog

Here I describe my use of Jekyll to build a personal blog. I begin by forking a theme on github and adding some content. After looking at countless Jekyll site demos, the theme I ultimately chose was the HPSTR theme crafted by Michael Rose.

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